Bern Convention Complaint against the proposed Jadar lithium mine in western Serbia
In cooperation with our long term partners Earth Law Center and a local organisation ZJR The Complaint was submitted on the basis of rights of Nature to exist which represents a small legal precedent being a first such Complaint to our knowledge.
Bern Convention Complaint against the proposed gold mine in the Homolje bio hotspot region in eastern Serbia.
In cooperation with Earth Law Center and local organisations Čuvari Homolja and Mlavska Vojska. Also submitted on the basis of rights of Nature.
Bern Convention Complaint against the polluting copper mine in Bosilegrad in South Serbia.
In cooperation with the King’s College Legal Clinic, local org Eko Krajiste and Bulgarian organisation Balkanka. Also submitted on the basis of rights of Natur
Rights of Nature is a new approach to environmental law, which views nature not as a series of resources that human beings can use, but as a living subject with its own interests and rights. The International Rights of Nature Tribunal has been created to provide systemic Rights of Nature based alternatives to the false solutions and failed negotiations of governing Nation States. This “People’s Tribunal” provides a vehicle for reframing and adjudicating prominent environmental and social justice cases within the context of a Rights of Nature based Earth Jurisprudence.
The case of the small' hydro power plants in Serbia & the Balkans
Some of the main goals of the Tribunal for the Rights of the Aquatic Ecosystems of Europe were:
- Recognition of the rights of the aquatic ecosystems
- Recognising and respecting panetary boundaries
- Sanctioning the crimes of ecocide
Earth Thrive was also the presenter of the case of dam ecocide over rivers in the Balkans, showcased through the example of the Serbian mountain Kopaonik – Josanica region rivers, with emphasis on the suffering and death of the aquatic fauna, fish in particular.
The Balkan Rivers Dams Ecocide case was heard online on Saturday, 29th April and you can watch the whole Hearing here: Balkan Rivers case – Fourth hearing of the European Tribunal in Defense of Aquatic Ecosystems
European Tribunal in Defense of Aquatic Ecosystems: The Kopaonik Mountain Rivers Vs the State of Serbia – FINAL VERDICT
Human rights to healthy environment
In March 2023 we submitted 10 official Communications with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights and Environment for the persecution of Nature defenders of a mountain ‘Starica’ near the town of Majdanpek in Eastern Serbia
The Communications were also submitted to:
UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Toxicity
UN Special Rapporteur for the Human Rights defenders
UN Special Rapporteur on arbitrary detention
The Government of Serbia responded to the allegations made in the Communications, a response which we found to be woefully inadequate and not fully truthful.
We are in the process of consulting with the activists and the office of the UN SRHRE on next steps.
We have also organised talks with affected activists and the office of the UNSR on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Ms Irene Khan where the activist presented the problems they are facing with free speech and persecution they are suffering for it.