Using Permaculture, bioregionalism, degrowth, rights of Nature and other holistic principles and methods as major tools for showing and informing people how to live respectfully in tune with Nature
We also organise informative and educational webinars on various subjects from Rights of Nature, Law of Ecocide to the dangers of forest biomass and extractivism
PROJECTS currently being developed:
Forest Biomass & Forest Rights – production of series of webinars on the subject of forest biomass and rights of forests
In partnership with Biofuelwatch and colleagues from Croatia – Green Squad, we are working on a series of websites on the subject of forest biomass and the devastating consequences they have on forest, forest communities and Nature at large.
We hope to be able to produce further material and, capacity depending, launch a fuller campaign and/or legal action against this very destructive practice in the Balkans
Mining: Rights of Nature and mining/extractive industries practical Toolkit
In collaboration with King’s College London Legal Clinic and their Director public lawyer Sue Willman, London Mining Network Trustee, we are developing an activists’ Toolkit to help struggling communities take practical legal international European action, all through the prism and ethics of Rights of Nature
Pesticides – legal and scientific manual on Rights of Nature & Glyphosate
Currently developing a comprehensive manual / document on Glyphosate documenting how and why is glyphosate seriously breaching Nature’s rights to life and existence. The project is being done in collaboration with rights of Nature legal experts from India and pesticide health and environmental impact experts from around the world, as well as Pesticide Action Network Europe experts which we are full member of.
The manual will contain legal argument on the basis of rights of Nature, which, together with the scientific opinions and is aimed at helping activists in their legal and other work against this extremely toxic substance which is being sprayed liberally all over the world.